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Terms of use

These Terms of Use regulate the access and use of the website “” (hereinafter the “Website”) as well as the services accessible from the Website and its associated websites.

The use of the Website by any user of the network (hereinafter “User”) implies the full and express acceptance of the provisions of these Terms of Use (including the Privacy Policy), under the version published and in force in every moment

For these purposes, Users will be understood as those who access and / or use our Website, without it being necessary for it to be registered as such.

We reserve the right to modify these conditions and any other legal text of the Website. To this end, the User is urged to carefully read the conditions and instructions set out in the pages of the Website each time they access them, accessible through the “Terms of Use” link located at the bottom of the screen.

Terms of use

Access and use of the services offered on the Website are free or charge according to their nature and may require registration, possession of keys and / or payment of a price, in accordance with the requirements at any time in the own website for the use of each of the functionalities offered.

For functions that require registration and, therefore, a password, the User must keep as much diligence as possible when establishing the type of password and the confidentiality thereof, as well as not providing it to any third party. If any type of problem with the password (loss, theft, etc.) arises, the User must notify immediately so that the owner of, Miguel Angel Garcia del Valle (hereinafter, ”NonprofitPrice“), can adopt the pertinent measures.

By accessing the Website, the user agrees to make appropriate, correct and lawful use of the contents and services thereof. Are strictly prohibited illegal, illicit activities or contrary to good faith and public order or which contravenes the rights of consumers and users.

Likewise, any activity aimed at impersonating any person or entity, or interfering with, violating, altering or disconnecting the system, servers, networks or contents, as well as breaching any connection requirement is prohibited. NonprofitPrice reserves the right to deprive the user of the service without prior notice and to adopt as many measures as he deems appropriate at any time, in order to avoid the behaviors and activities indicated. In this regard, the User expressly accepts the exemption from liability of NonprofitPrice against any liability for damages of any kind, which may be due to the transmission, dissemination, obtaining and access to contents prohibited by the legal system. Likewise, NonprofitPrice may deprive the User of access to the service or cancel the content generated by it if it will carry out activities, disseminate content or promote products that do not match those of the object and / or scope of the Website.

If the User detects any type of content that is contrary to current regulations or that may be considered harmful to Users, please notify them as soon as possible. The Users know and assume that, without this collaboration, it will be operationally impossible for NonprofitPrice ensure the suitability of all content provided by users.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The elements that make up the design, structure and operation of the Website, the databases, brands, trade names and logos, as well as the contents of all types created by NonprofitPrice or by third parties associated to NonprofitPrice , are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights and are property NonProfit or of said third parties, corresponding to their authorship and exploitation rights, in all their terms and modalities. In case you are the owner of any trademark or trade name present on the Website and do not wish it to appear on it, please inform us at the following email address:

Access to the Website does not entail the granting of a license or assignment of rights of any kind on the contents thereof, granting NonprofitPrice to the User only the individual and non-transferable permission for the online display of the free contents, as well as those that have been contracted prior payment.

The User must refrain from reproducing, adapting, combining, integrating into other applications, arranging or any other manipulation or transformation, as well as any form of public communication or distribution, in relation to all contents accessible through the Website, except express authorization in writing NonprofitPrice.

Due to the nature of the Website, both we and the Users themselves make links to third-party websites available. As these are pages that are not our property and control, we can not guarantee that these websites comply with the corresponding legal requirements. Likewise, for teaching purposes, certain contents and fragments owned by third parties may be included in the Website, which must be understood within the right of appointment and illustration of the teaching contemplated in Article 32 of the Intellectual Property Law. In any case, if you are the owner of any content that you do not wish to appear on the Website, or even for such teaching purposes, please inform us at the following email address:


Availability and security: NonprofitPrice does not guarantee the possibility of use, continuity or availability of the Website, in the provision of information or any of the different services offered through it. Nor does it guarantee the infallibility or usefulness of the information and tools it facilitates.

Contents: Through the Website you can provide a whole series of information, programs and tools. These instruments are provided purely for guidance and illustrative purposes, without NonprofitPrice assume any kind of commitment or responsibility regarding them or their result. In consecuense, NonprofitPrice can not guarantee its correctness, veracity or infallibility. The measures or actions of any kind that are taken by the User, will be at their sole account and risk.

Links to other websites: Unless expressly stated otherwise in each case, NonprofitPrice does not intervene, participate or assume any guarantee in relation to the services or products offered by third parties, regardless of whether they may be accessible from the Website.

Use of the Website: NonprofitPrice does not control the use that the User makes of the Website or its services or contents, or compliance with the conditions of access and proper use. Consequently, it excludes any liability arising from the misuse of the contents of the Website and reserves the right to update, modify, replace, prevent access, temporarily suspend, permanently cancel or suppress any service, information supply, instrument or any other another element in relation to a specific User or to a part or all of Users.

Indemnity: Consequently, NonprofitPrice excludes all liability for damages, direct or indirect, that may arise for the User due to lack of security in the communications or availability of the service, accuracy of the contents, quality, accuracy or fidelity of these, for possible data loss or for not obtaining the desired results when using the information or tools provided on the Website.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by the Spanish legal system, subjecting the parties to any dispute arising in relation to the Site to the jurisdiction that is applicable (by default, will be the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain).

For any type of complaint, question or suggestion, do not hesitate to contact us at

Privacy policy

The introduction and registration of personal data by the User will expressly authorize Miguel Angel Garcia del Valle (hereinafter, ”NonprofitPrice“), for collection, incorporation to the respective files and the processing of your personal data.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, NonprofitPrice informs you that the personal data that you register and / or include in the Website will be incorporated into an automated file owned by you for the management, maintenance, development and control of the relationship with you and your Company, including, among other activities, the offer of other products and services of NonprofitPrice , as well as third parties with whom NonprofitPrice come to some kind of promotional agreement, for which expressly authorizes NonprofitPrice , in its own name and representation and in the name and representation of the legal entity to which it belongs, to the sending of advertising or promotional communications by any means, including through electronic commercial communications or equivalent, after the contractual relationship between the parties has been concluded, as well as the periodic remission of the electronic newsletter of Ecommerce , all in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Said consent may be revoked at any time by means of a request addressed to the following address:

In any case, NonprofitPrice informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by means of a written request addressed to the e-mail address:, indicating in the subject: “Exercise ARCO rights – Protection of Personal Data”.

“Cookies” and statistics

Our Website has Cookies and activity files that allow knowing the activity carried out by the users.

It is also expressly warned that the Website may use “cookies” and activity files (including the use of the Google Analytics web statistics system ), when a User navigates through the web page, which allows to know the activity carried out by the users. Users and give them a more agile, personalized and complete service.

You can refuse the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate configuration of your browser, however, you should know that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this Website. By using this Website the User consents to the processing of information about You by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.