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Prices and discounts for nonprofits

Airtable has a special deal only for non-profit organizations (valid in 2024):

50% off the monthly cost of Plus or Pro licenses to nonprofit organizations.


Airtable for nonprofits

Database tool with automation features and integrations with a lot of external tools.

Airtable is a cloud-based database and collaboration tool that can be used by nonprofit organizations to manage and organize their data and projects.

Nonprofit organizations can use Airtable to create custom databases that are tailored to their specific needs, and then use those databases to store and manage data like contact information, donor records, and project details.

Airtable also offers collaboration features that allow users to share and work on databases with others, which can be useful for organizations that need to collaborate with team members and stakeholders.

Some features of Airtable include:

  • Customizable databases to store and manage data
  • Collaboration tools to allow users to work on databases with others
  • Integration with other tools, like Google Drive and Dropbox, to share and access files
  • Reporting and analysis tools to generate insights and reports from data.

You can check more details about their features and advantages on this video:

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Alternatives to Airtable

There are other similar services that offer special deals and discounts for nonprofits, such as:

You can check all the alternatives on: Automation and data management

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