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Buffer for nonprofits

Social media management tool with collaboration, scheduling and analytics features.

Buffer is a social media management platform that can be used by nonprofit organizations to schedule and publish posts on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Here are some ways that a nonprofit organization can use Buffer:

  1. Scheduling social media posts: Use Buffer to schedule social media posts in advance, allowing you to plan your content calendar and ensure that you are consistently posting fresh and relevant content.
  2. Analyzing social media performance: Buffer provides analytics and insights on the performance of your social media posts, including information on reach, engagement, and clicks. This can help you understand what types of content are resonating with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  3. Collaborating with team members: Buffer allows multiple team members to access and contribute to your organization’s social media accounts, making it easy to collaborate on content and strategy.

You can check more details about their features and advantages on this video:

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Alternatives to Buffer

There are other similar services that offer special deals and discounts for nonprofits, such as:

You can check all the alternatives on: Social media marketing

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