Vertical Response

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Discover all about Vertical Response for non-profit organizations:

Prices and discounts for nonprofits

Vertical Response has a special deal only for non-profit organizations (valid in 2024):

10,000 emails/month for free + 15% discount if you send more. Only for organizations with a 501(c)(3) status.


Vertical Response for nonprofits

Email marketing tool that also includes extra features such as landing pages and surveys.

Vertical Response is an email marketing platform that can help a nonprofit organization reach out to its supporters and promote its cause. Nonprofits can use Vertical Response to create and send professional-looking emails to their mailing lists, track the effectiveness of their campaigns, and gain insights into the behavior of their subscribers.

You can check more details about their features and advantages on this video:

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Alternatives to Vertical Response

There are other similar services that offer special deals and discounts for nonprofits, such as:

You can check all the alternatives on: Email marketing

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