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Discover all about Livechat for non-profit organizations:

Prices and discounts for nonprofits

Livechat has a special deal only for non-profit organizations (valid in 2024):

20 agents for the LiveChat Business Plan with unlimited chat history and full chat customization.


Livechat for nonprofits

Live chat for websites.

LiveChat is a customer service and support platform that provides tools for enabling real-time communication with website visitors and customers. Nonprofit organizations can use LiveChat to improve their customer service and support, and to provide quick and helpful responses to questions and concerns from users. Some potential uses of LiveChat for nonprofits include:

  • Enabling live chat on a website or web application, using LiveChat’s chat widget and operator console to allow users to initiate chat sessions with customer service representatives or volunteers.
  • Customizing the chat widget, using LiveChat’s customization options to match the look and feel of the nonprofit’s website or web application.
  • Managing chat sessions, using LiveChat’s operator console to monitor and respond to chat requests in real time.
  • Analyzing chat data, using LiveChat’s reporting and analytics tools to understand user behavior and optimize the chat experience.

You can check more details about their features and advantages on this video:

Livechat reviews

Check user reviews and scores on:

Alternatives to Livechat

There are other similar services that offer special deals and discounts for nonprofits, such as:

You can check all the alternatives on: Live-chat and chat-bots

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