123 Form Builder

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Discover all about 123 Form Builder for non-profit organizations:

Prices and discounts for nonprofits

123 Form Builder has a special deal only for non-profit organizations (valid in 2024):

20% discount to all non-profit organizations, on any plan.


123 Form Builder for nonprofits

Form builder with lots of integrations and templates.

123 Form Builder is a tool that allows organizations to easily create and customize online forms for a variety of purposes, including collecting donations, sign-ups for events, and gathering information from volunteers or members.

Nonprofit organizations can use 123 Form Builder to create forms that are tailored to their specific needs, and then embed those forms on their website or share them through social media or email to collect information from supporters.

This can help nonprofit organizations save time and effort by automating the data collection process, and allows them to quickly and easily gather the information they need to better serve their cause.

You can check more details about their features and advantages on this video:

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Alternatives to 123 Form Builder

There are other similar services that offer special deals and discounts for nonprofits, such as:

You can check all the alternatives on: Web forms

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